Friday, March 20, 2020

Unprecedented Times

It is day 5 of digital learning for the Zach and Elijah.  Zach broke up the monotony today by going to work at Little Barn (drive thru only) and will do schoolwork when he gets home.  Joshua is also home.  It was supposed to be his spring break from Valdosta State University but has turned in to something else all together.  Joshua will begin online classes, living at home, on March 30.  We will go down to Valdosta tomorrow to pick up his stuff from his dorm room.

I am on day 2 of being home.  My work, Medieval Times, has closed castles and now has closed the call center until further notice.  As with the boys' situations, it was quite unexpected.  This is what happens when a virus no one has seen before becomes rampant across the world.  We are all being encouraged to stay home if possible and not gather socially with more than 10 people.  It's boring but necessary.  I am getting some things done at home.

But it feels like a movie, so surreal.  Like "I Am Legend" or "Outbreak".  Nothing I ever thought I would be living out.  But here we are.  Re-learning how to live together as a family.  Learning how to live with an adult son who is used to being on his own.  Learning how to stay at home and not go hang out with friends or even shopping unless necessary.  Learning how to trust God all over again, knowing the He will provide for us and take care of us in this trying time.

But what about those people who are losing loved ones?  God will take care of them as well, just in a different way.  I can't explain what is happening or why.  All I know for sure is that God is still on the throne and He is in control.  And that is all I need.

1 comment:

M said...

It is a new normal that is effecting everyone worldwide in some way or another. It is very surreal. You are right God is still on the thrown and He is in control. While this is figuring out our new normals, there are still benefits and advantages that I am seeing both personally and for many others. I do hate people have lost loved ones. I do pray for the peach and comfort that only the Holy Spirit can provide for them. Pray no more lives are lost.