Friday, July 25, 2014


I've had enough!

Instead of being downstairs watching Smackdown, as is the normal routine for a Friday night, my kids are each in their own room, alone.  Wny?  Because I've had enough!  Yesterday was fun, as you saw from my previous post.  But today just went right back to normal.  I don't know if they have just spent too much time together, need more activities to occupy their brains or what.  But my kids are irritating and annoying each other which is, in turn, irritating and annoying me!

They continue to talk to each other with very frustrated, sarcastic tones.  One won't even let the other talk.  He gets so aggravated at everything that he says.  They think of no one but themselves and what other people will do for them.  I just wonder where I went wrong!

I talk to them about putting others before yourself, being aware of your surroundings and what needs to be done, allowing other people to be who they are.  I have one son that gets frustrated whenever anyone is doing anything that annoys HIM.  It's all about HIM!  No one can speak, quote, sing or even breathe if he doesn't like it.  Today they were playing at a neighbor's house and even the mom noticed it!  "He get so annoyed with his brother," she tells me.  "I know.  I don't know if it's a teenager thing or what.  It's been happening a lot lately, " I respond.

How can I get him to respect other people to the point that he will allow them to be them?

Just frustrated tonight.  Sitting in my room watching the Braves while they are doing whatever in their own rooms.  Hopefully just getting a much needed break from each other.  Maybe we can start fresh tomorrow.
After all, tomorrow is another day.

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