Saturday, July 6, 2013

Odd Woman Out

I have a husband and 3 sons.  Even our dog, Sparky, is male.  I am the only one of my kind in my house.  I am finding it more and more difficult to deal with as they all get older.  (Or maybe it's as I get older, I'm not quite sure which.)

Don't get me wrong.  I love my boys. They are great!  But they are SO messy.  They don't listen well and don't retain information.  (At least the information that I give them.  Sports or WWE information takes precedence.)  I never knew urine could get to those places.  I find clothes and toys in the strangest of places.  And nothing ever gets put back where it came from, but they expect mom to magically know where it is when they want it.  I went so far as to label every drawer in Zach's room so he would know where stuff it.  All he had to do was put the stuff back there once he was done with it.  Nope.  Doesn't happen.  Anyway......

I sit here now making lunch/dinner because I have to be at work, again, at 5pm today.  All the boys are playing upstairs and Steven is playing with the dog.  I'm tired.  I'm frustrated.  I'm wishing the clean fairy would sprinkle her magic dust on my house and that there was a money tree in my backyard.  Ok, enough complaining.

Steven took the 2 older boys to Home Depot this morning for their kids workshop.  They each made some sort of car (that ended up on my kitchen table).  But they were cute.  Elijah, not wanting to try anything new, came to the grocery store with me.  He was so helpful!  He was putting things in the buggy, helped put them on the belt at checkout and even hung around the back of the van to help put them in the car!  That is new for him!  I heaped praise on him in hopes that he will do it next time as well.  Zach and Joshua cleaned around our neighborhood pool (their summer job) and then came home and did chores.  So my house is somewhat clean.  Everyone did their part.  I greatly appreciate all the help they give me.

Now off to eat ham and rice and chocolate pie.  Have a great weekend!

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